1. At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the baby lotion and the bunion plasters. 在伦敦东北部哈克尼的 Clockwork 药房,你可以在婴儿润肤露和拇囊炎膏药之间找到它。
2. She gets sunburned even when she plasters herself from head to toe in factor 7 sun lotion. 即使她从头到脚涂抹上防晒系数是7的防晒霜,她也会被晒伤。
3. She began to assist the water with a slim oatmeal diet and blister—plasters. 她开始往水里加上燕麦片和治疗水泡的药膏。
4. I take the smallest possible knapsack, containing a map, a notebook, money, a pen, a pencil in case the pen lets me down, plasters for blisters, my door-keys. 我带上尽可能小的背包,包括一张地图、一个笔记本、钱、一支钢笔、一支铅笔以防钢笔让我失望,还有水疱的药膏、我的门钥匙。
5. This recipe makes 4 to 5 plasters. 本配方可做4-5贴膏药。