1. There is always a plausible-sounding reason for the fights that Singapore's neighbours pick with it. 周边邻国对新加坡的不满看起来似乎也有些道理。
2. The supposed importance of influentials derives from a plausible-sounding but largely untested theory… 原文讲述这是一种似乎是真实的,没有得到检验的理论,选项。
3. And, unlike the first batch of dotcoms, firms in the age of "Web 2.0" frequently boast both actual revenues and plausible-sounding route to the profits. 与第一代dotcom公司不同,“Web 2.0”时代的网络公司往往兼具听上去可信的盈利前景和实实在在的收益。
4. It may sound unlikely when you read about it, but they were expert in catching people off guard and verbally intimidating them with plausible sounding stories. 这些报道读起来无异于天方夜谭,但这帮人非常擅长卸去人们的防范心理,编造有鼻子有眼的说辞,恫吓受害人。