1. Top ACTS sometimes charge that much to play only several songs — you pay more for the appearance than the length of set. 一线明星有时候唱几首歌就会收这么——出场费是大头,演奏时间长短反倒是次要影响因素。
2. Acts help divide the play into sections and often indicate that time has passed or you have moved to a different location. 幕有助于将剧本分成几个部分,通常表示时间已过去或者到了另外一个地方。
3. Those who took part were asked to recall small details, such as music ACTS listed to play at the students 'union and tasks completed at various points. 研究人员让参与者回忆如学生会列出的即将上演的音乐剧,以及不同节点上完成的任务等小细节。
4. If he ACTS swiftly, he could play a vital part in saving the currency from collapse. 如果能迅速采取行动,他将在拯救欧元的行动中发挥举足轻重的作用。
5. The play has a number of acts and each act is divided into scenes in which each scene is a series of events such as noises, music, dialogue, and grand speeches. 一个剧本有很多幕,每一幕又分成几场,每一场是一系列诸如噪音、音乐、对白和旁白之类的事件。