1. The robber pled that he was forced to do it. 抢匪辩称他是被迫去抢劫的。
2. Both teenagers pled guilty and were ordered to pay for the damage. 两个青少年都被判有罪,并被责令赔偿损失。
3. Moreover, PLED has simple fabrication process and low cost, which shows a promising market with strong competition. 同时,PLED制作工艺简单、成本低,使其显示出了强大的竞争力和巨大的市场前景。
4. A fifth person — a former DELL (DELL) employee — pled guilty last week and is said to be cooperating with investigators. 第五名被告——一位戴尔(Dell)前雇员在上上周认罪,据说他正在配合控方调查。
5. He pled guilty to drunk driving because, his lawyer explained, "With public officials, we expect them to own up to their mistakes and correct them." 他为醉酒驾驶这个指控辩解,他的律师解释说:“作为公务员,我们会指望他们有自己的缺点并改正它。”