1. The French president is pledging $150 million in French aid next year. 法国总统承诺来年将拨款1.5亿美元用于法国援助。
2. World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection. 人们期望世界领导人们能签署一份承诺加强环境保护的条约。
3. Pledging to run Pilgrim safely, the company has applied for federal permission to keep it open for another 20 years. 为了保证 Pilgrim 的安全运营,该公司已经向联邦政府申请了继续运营20年的许可。
4. Maple Hill signs a contract pledging to buy the farmer's milk at a guaranteed base price, plus quality premiums and incentives for higher protein, butterfat and other solids. 梅普尔·希尔签署了一份合同,并承诺以有保证的基本价格购买该农民的牛奶,外加质量更高、含量更多的蛋白质、乳脂和其他固体物质。
5. LVMH was only pledging to do what the new French law already obliges it to. 路易·威登仅仅承诺它将按照法国新法案的规定来做。