1. Before you see the plastic surgeon, before you plunk down half a paycheck on that pricey anti-aging cream, in fact, before you do anything, put on sunscreen. 在你去看整形医生之前,在你花掉一半薪水在昂贵的抗衰老面霜上之前,事实上,在你做任何事情之前,先涂上防晒霜。
2. We'll plunk for more public housing. 我们将支持兴建更多的公共住宅。
3. Do not plunk the flower in the garden, please. 请勿摘折花园里的花。
4. I'm not ready to plunk my money into any of these. 我还没有准备好把钱入股以上任何一家公司。
5. They plink on the pipe and plunk on the patio roof. 它们叮叮当当地敲击着排气管,砰然掉落在露台顶上。