1. If they gave gold medals for grit, Karen would be right up there on the winners' podium. 如果他们颁发毅力金牌,卡伦应该站在领奖台上。
2. Unsteadily he mounted the podium, adjusted the microphone, coughed, and went completely blank. 他摇摇晃晃地走上讲台,调好麦克风,咳嗽了几声,接着脑子就一片空白。
3. They said that even if Haile's medals were not made of gold, they were proud that Canadians stood on the podium. 他们表示即使海乐的奖牌不是金制的,他们也为加拿大人站在领奖台上而自豪。
4. Coming back to the top of the podium is always special, and it is very special for this historic team and supporter of Ferrari! 重返领奖台的最高端总是很特别的,而且对于历史的队伍和支持者来说是非常特别的!
5. There was a cutaway to Jackson's guest on the podium. 镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。