1. He is fond of wearing pink pointy hats and playing agile games. 他喜欢戴粉色的尖帽子,也喜欢玩敏捷游戏。
2. My back is covered with hard, pointy quills and my belly is soft and furry. 我的后背覆盖着又硬又尖的刺,我的腹部柔软而多毛。
3. Use the pointy end to lightly draw circles around, but not quite touching his headlights. 用尖的一端轻轻画出一个圆圈,但不要太靠近他的车灯。
4. If the center of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness. 如果花心是圆形的,但是花瓣确是尖的,那你可能是把一颗温暖的心隐藏在多刺的防御后面。
5. The one with the pointy roof is Canary Wharf. 那个有尖顶的是金丝雀码头。