1. Power alternation also polarises debate. 权力的更迭也加剧了辩论的两极分化。
2. I am suspicious of anyone who polarises obesity as one thing over another when there is strong agreement that it has multiple causes. 我怀疑任何人谁两极化肥胖作为一件事比另一个时有强烈的共识这有多方面的原因。
3. The "Daily Me" phenomenon simultaneously organises and polarises partisan participants into angry camps who can barely understand each others' language. 这样的“每日一我”的现象把同一党派的参与者更加团结的聚合在一起,也把不同党派的竞争者更加极端得分离开来,使得不同党派之间很难理解彼此的语言。