1. Slippers crowned with tulle pom-poms will satisfy the longings of future prima-ballerinas. 顶部饰有绒球的拖鞋会满足那些未来芭蕾舞团首席女演员愿望。
2. As the new colors mingled with the red, I realized the performance means meant more than funny pom-poms. 随着红色慢慢混入各种各样新的颜色,我慢慢明白这场表演想要表达的不仅仅是搞笑的毛绒球。
3. This set of colorful fairy crown pillows are accented with satin and lace and topped with cheery yellow pom-poms. 这套彩色的仙女花冠枕头用绸缎,饰带做成,顶部有黄色的镶珠。
4. The style was furry and hairy, from the models’ matted hair through tufts creating false eyebrows and pom-poms of fur dangling at the ankles. 从模特用丛毛装饰的纠缠的头发,假眉毛到脚踝处悬挂的皮毛砰砰声都体现了发布会皮草和毛茸茸的感觉。
5. The poor guys year book photo was of him and himself only. We had a small play ground, and our cheerleading group used tree branches as pom poms. 我们有一个很小的操场,啦啦队用树枝当作荧光棒来加油。