1. Some research suggests that the explanation for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addiction among poorly-educated, middle-aged people is a shortage of well-paid jobs. 某项研究表明,在受教育程度低的中年人当中,死亡、心理健康问题以及染上毒瘾的比例不断上升,要归因于缺乏高薪水的工作。
2. The alternative, he warns, is growing social pressure from a marginalized class of poorly-educated, poorly-paid workers unwilling or unable to return to the countryside. 还有一种情况,他警告,低文化的边缘阶层给社会增加了压力,低工资的工人不愿意或者不能回到农村。
3. Poorly educated, he, too, is from Kumasi. 他来自库马西,同样缺乏教育。
4. If a patient is suffering from a painful condition, or a child is being poorly educated, only an immediate remedy will do. 假若病人正遭受病痛的煎熬,或者孩子所接受的教育令人担忧,这时只有即时的解决办法才能帮助他们。
5. As one example, consider a person who grew up poor and poorly educated, but became wealthy through the luck of the lottery or an inheritance from an unknown but wealthy relative. 例如,我们不妨考虑一下这样一个人,他出身贫穷,没能受过良好的教育,但通过彩票的运气或由于继承了一位无名但却有钱的亲戚的遗产而一夜暴富。