1. GEORGE: And they in the fifth inning, why did you take off on the pop fly? 乔治:在第五局的时候,你为什么要对那个高飞球作出反应啊?
2. At $250 million a pop, this next-gen superjet is unquestionably a champion dogfighter, all but invisible to radar and able to fly at least Mach 1.5. 一架2.5亿美元,这种新一代超音速喷气式飞机无疑是第一流的空中混战战机,雷达几乎无从察觉,而且至少能够以1.5马赫飞行。
3. They can pop in on their private jet, get a pricey hotel room and fly back home within hours. 他们可以跳上自己的私人飞机,然后飞到豪华酒店开房,几小时后再飞回家。
4. You can click the arrow to expand it back out, or you can fly the mouse over the word "Palette" to pop it back into sight. 您可以单击箭头将面板重新展开,或者可以将鼠标悬浮在单词“Palette”上,使得面板重新弹出以进入视线。
5. I'd fly to England. I'd like to see a big outdoor pop concert so that I could listen to music. 我要坐飞机到英国去。我想到大型露天流行音乐会上听听音乐。