1. "The difference is," he said portentously, "you are Anglo-Saxons, we are Latins." 他拿腔拿调地说道:“区别在于,你们是盎格鲁-撒克逊人,我们是拉丁人。”
2. First they declare portentously that the European club is in deep "crisis" and unable to function. 首先,他们预见性地宣布欧洲俱乐部陷入深深的“危机”中,不能运转了。
3. Halberstam paragraph usually filled a page, unfolding portentously towards some great quotation that glimmered in the final line. 一个哈伯斯塔姆式的段落往往占满整个页面,预示性地向文末熠熠生辉的伟大语录演进。
4. A Halberstam paragraph usually filled a page, unfolding portentously towards some great quotation that glimmered in the final line. 一个哈伯斯塔姆式的段落往往占满整个页面,预示性地向文末熠熠生辉的伟大语录演进。