1. Gouache is opaque watercolour, known also as poster paint and designer's colour. 水粉是一种不透明水彩,也称广告颜料或设计师颜料。
2. There is a large "stop" sign at the entrance to the road, backed up by a metal barrier and a hand-written poster in red paint proclaiming: "No Trespassing." 在路的进口,有一个大大的“停”字,后面则是一道铁屏障。一张手写的海报上用红色字体声明:“禁止非法侵入。”
3. We specialized in the production poster child paint painting materials DIY puzzle products, products are exported to Europe and the United States market and was well received by the market. 我们专业生产广告彩·儿童颜料·画材·DIY益智产品,产品远销欧美市场并深受市场的欢迎。