1. The road ahead for GM and the other American carmakers is still potholed and slippery. 通用汽车和其他美国汽车制造商的前进之路仍是充满坎坷和危险。
2. The rubbish-strewn streets, potholed and still usually made of mud, are jammed with traffic. 垃圾满地的街道通常仍然由泥铺成,崎岖不平,交通阻塞。
3. So we started from Livingstone and the first 60 potholed kilometers claimed my number plate. 于是我们开始从利文斯敦和第一个60公里崎岖不平声称我的车牌。
4. It was strange that he went to the town from the potholed country road, never from the royal road. 很奇怪,他去城里的时候,只走崎岖不平的乡村小路,从不走平坦的大道。
5. The rendezvous is set for a ramshackle building beside a potholed road on the outskirts of Blagoveschensk. 见面地点约在了Blagoveschensk郊外一条崎岖不平的路旁一处摇摇欲坠的建筑物里。