1. According to the career counselors and experts who study them, Generation Zs are clear-eyed, economic pragmatists. 据研究他们的职业顾问和专家说,Z 世代是目光清醒的经济实用主义者。
2. They did it for security, and because they were pragmatists. 他们是为了安全,也因为他们是务实派。
3. The pragmatists who began it were motivated by medical considerations. 启动该工程的实用家们是受到医学方面考虑的激励。
4. Pragmatists and ideologues seem to be pitching rival camps in the capital. 实用派和理论派似乎在首都扎营对垒了。
5. America's coastal universities housed most of the other lot, "saltwater" pragmatists. 美国海岸边的大学则汇聚了另一派“咸水学派”实用主义者的大多数人。