1. Recently planetary scientists have suggested that the external preconditions for the development of Earth's biosphere probably included four paramount contingencies. 最近,行星科学家提出,地球生物圈发展的外部先决条件可能包括四个最重要的偶发事件。
2. The Requirements entity consists of three preconditions. Requirement项包含三种前提条件。
3. Mr Netanyahu says he wants to talk—but “without preconditions”. 内塔尼亚胡表示他想要会谈—但无任何前提的会谈。
4. Mr Netanyahu says he wants to talk-but "without preconditions". 内塔尼亚胡表示他想要会谈—但无任何前提的会谈。
5. Israel says peace talks should resume without preconditions. 以色列表示应该无条件恢复和平谈判。