1. Your self is sacrificed to the opinions and predilections of others. 最终,你为了他人的偏好和评价而万死不辞。
2. There are also the purely personal predilections of each individual musician. 每一个音乐家都有完全个人的偏爱。
3. Even as Alibaba tutors its customers, it must educate itself about their habits and predilections. 阿里巴巴在培训客户的同时,也应该对自己的习惯和偏好做一些改变。
4. He stopped photographing women on the streets and went into their bedrooms where he evinced similar predilections. 他不再拍摄大街上的女人,而是走进她们的卧室,在卧室他显示了同样的喜好。
5. Krishnamurti: No, no. It's necessary not to have predilections. Period. If you're content for something you're not content . 克:不,不。没有偏好是必要的。满足于什么东西就意味着不满。