1. CANON XXXIII: None of the foreign Bishops, or Presbyters, or Deacons shall be received without letters commendatory. 法令三十三:若无推荐信,不得接纳任何外地的主教、或司铎、或执事。
2. We'll see later that, in this period, bishops seem to actually have been elected by the people, at least by the presbyters. 我们会看到后来…在这个时期,主教似乎是人民自己选出来的,至少也是长老选出来的。
3. We saw presbyters and deacons,and bishops in a certain sense, in the Pastoral Epistles,but they weren't carefully formed into a three-tiered institution of offices. 《教牧书信》上就看到有长老,执事,主教,但这三个职位在那本书里还没形成,清晰的三层等级结构。
4. Only priests (presbyters and bishops) can give the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, using oil blessed by the bishop, or if necessary by the celebrating presbyter himself. 只有司祭(司铎和主教)可以施行病人傅油圣事,他们所采用的油须由主教祝圣,或在必要时,由主礼司铎祝圣。
5. Salvation was exemplified in the Manichaen community, a hierarchy of two classes: the Elect, who consisted of Mani's successor, 12 apostles, 72 bishops, and 360 presbyters; and the Hearers. 拯救在摩尼教社区内作为例证,社区是一个两个级别组成的层次:被选上者,由摩尼的继承者组成,有12位门徒,72位主教和360位长老,还有听众。