1. We hoped that common sense would prevail. 我们希望常识能占上风。
2. Rick still believes that justice will prevail. 里克仍然相信正义会占上风。
3. Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。
4. If you are at home trying to decide where to go for dinner, however, the knowledge component may prevail, and you decide to go where you can eat a healthier meal. 但是,如果您在家中决定去哪里吃饭,认知成分可能会占上风,因此您会决定去一个可以吃到更健康饭菜的地方。
5. There will probably be months of legal tussling, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor. 这场法律角逐可能会耗上好几个月的时间,哪一方在法庭占上风,哪一方又会赢得公众舆论和立法者的青睐都尚不可知。