1. My acquaintances were prising out the gold teeth of not-yet dead knights. 我的熟人们正从那些还没死透的骑士嘴里向外拔金牙。
2. The police had the greatest difficulty in prising the truth out of the prisoner. 我们最感困难的是要这个窃贼吐露真情。
3. A town-dweller was visiting the country and was prising the cleanliness of the air. 一个城里人到乡下去游玩,他特别赞赏那里洁净的空气。
4. Prising calls these job candidates a "teachable fit," and it's a concept he says companies will have to get used to. 普莱斯认为这些工作的候选人是“可以改变的”。他声称所有公司将会适应这种情况。
5. The resources of old trees are abundant in the Three-Gorge Reservoir Region, com-prising nearly 5000 individual plants. 长江三峡工程库区,蕴藏着丰富的古大树种资源,约有5000余株。