1. The pristine waters around the Antarctic will disappear forever. 南极周围的原始水域将永远消失。
2. Krill fishing in the Antarctic has worsened the pollution of the pristine waters. 南极的磷虾捕捞加剧了对原始水域的污染。
3. Now elsewhere in the world, Iceland may be spoken of, somewhat breathlessly, as western Europe's last pristine wilderness. 现在在世界其他地方,可能说起冰岛,人们会有些喘不过气来,说它是西欧最后的原始荒野。
4. He collected pristine samples of the meteorite just days after they fell on the frozen lake, and stored them in his freezer. 几天后,他收集了落在冰冻湖面的陨石的原始样本,并把它们储存在他的冰箱里。
5. What do a peckish bee-eater, two shaggy bisons going head-to-head in snow, and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all have in common? 一只饥肠辘辘的食蜂鸟,两头在雪地里相互抵角的长毛野牛,以及在一片原始湖泊中翩翩起舞的鹈鹕们,它们有什么共同点吗?