1. The proletariat was then still a "class-in-itself". 这时,他们还是一个所谓“ 自在的阶级”。
2. He also recognized the "only the future but the emerging proletariat". 同时还认识到“惟新兴的无产者才有将来”。
3. He was actively involved in improving the living conditions of the proletariat. 作者积极推动提高下层阶级的生活状况。
4. Both considered the act boorish and uncivilized. Spitting among the peasantry and the proletariat seemed more acceptable. 在农民和工人当中,随地吐痰似乎更能够被接受。
5. But, as a wise central banker, you know that for a country to grow its economy, it needs a singular currency so the proletariat doesn't get confused. 但是,作为一个明智的央行行长,你知道一个国家要使经济增长,就需要统一货币,以使普罗大众不会产生困惑。