1. Mountains of prototypes and years of teamwork later, they unveiled the Swiffer, which quickly became a commercial success. 经过数年的团队合作后,他们设计出了大量的原型机,终于解开了 Swiffer 的秘密,并很快获得了商业上的成功。
2. Area 51 staff had to regularly interrupt such tests and hurry prototypes into "hoot-and-scoot sheds", lest they are detected by Soviet spy satellites. 51区的工作人员不得不经常中断这种测试,匆忙地将这些样机送到“紧急藏身处”,以免它们被苏联间谍卫星发现。
3. Several companies around the world have produced prototypes that can drive on roads and fly. 世界上有几家公司已经生产出能够在公路上驾驶和飞行的模型。
4. Many critics regard the protagonists in Beckett's novel "Mercier and Camier" as prototypes of Vladimir and Estragon. 许多评论家认为贝克特小说《梅西埃和卡米埃》中的主人公是弗拉基米尔和埃斯特拉贡的原型。