1. Rights issues and punier dividends would be bad news for shareholders. 权利的分配和极少的红利怕是股东们不愿听到的消息。
2. Punier than Microsoft much why can you use more breathtaking than Microsoft firewood fulfil to invite Tang Jun grandly? 比微软弱小得多的盛大为何会用比微软还惊人的薪酬来聘请唐骏呢?
3. Does not the age of Balzac, Dickens, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy dwarf its earnest, fitfully brilliant but ultimately punier successor? 如果不是Balzac,Dickens,Dostoyevsky和Tolstoy的时代的低调认真的创作,断断续续的杰出创作但是最终却弱势继承?
4. Either they express their unhappiness in less relationship-jeopardizing ways, or Munsch believes, their punier wage didn't threaten their gender identity as much. 这要么是由于她们以更少危害夫妻关系的方式来表达自己的不快乐,要么就如缪斯克所认为的,她们虽然工资微薄,但却不会那么严重地威胁到自己的性别认同(一般而言挣钱养家并不是女性的职责)。