1. Numerical increases are used as quantifiable indicators of heightened interest in the new stimulus. 数值的增长被用来作为显示新型激励下增长利益的量化指标。
2. This practice, however, can lead to suboptimal results, as decision-makers tend to focus only on easily quantifiable factors. 然而,这种做法可能导致不理想的结果,因为决策者往往只关注容易量化的因素。
3. I confess I enter this in a skeptical frame of mind, believing that we tend to get carried away in our desire to reduce everything to the quantifiable. 我承认我是抱着怀疑的态度来看待这个问题的,我相信我们往往会被自己想要把所有事情都减少到可以量化的欲望冲昏头脑。
4. A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary. 一种确切的可计量的质量检测是不必要的。
5. The use of consumer articles with DuPont materials would not result in quantifiable exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). 将消费品与杜邦材料一起使用不会导致全氟辛酸(PFOA)的定量暴露。