1. The teachers began on time, ended on time, and left the room without saying a word more to their students, very seldom being detained by questioners. 老师们准时开始,准时结束,一个字也没对学生多说就离开了教室,很少被提问者拦住。
2. The questioners were not doctors but trained interviewers. 提问者并不是医生,而是经过训练的面试者。
3. I thought the questioners were competing with each other to praise Singapore as the success story of globalisation. 我认为提问者们在争先恐后地把新加坡作为全球化的成功案例褒奖一番。
4. These other questioners saw to it that he was in constant slight pain, but it was not chiefly pain that they relied on. 这些拷问他的人总是使他不断吃到一些小苦头,但是他们主要不是依靠这个。
5. Always deliver your appreciation toward the questioners, which can also allow you some seconds to think about the reply. 回答提问时要像提问者致谢,同时也能利用该时间思考回答。