1. The British land art, typified by Long's piece, was not only more domestically scaled, but a lot quirkier than its American counterpart. 以朗的作品为代表的英国土地艺术,不仅在国内更具规模,而且比美国的同类作品更为离奇。
2. One of the quirkier tea towels on display in Windsor. 温莎展览出的最古怪的茶巾之一。
3. Patty's lack of a professional career haunts her, and her childhood wasn't easy either — her parents ignored her in favor of her brighter, quirkier sisters. 佩蒂没有自己的职业,这个现实老是像鬼死的缠着她,并且她的童年生活过得也很艰难。 他父母不管她,只关心比她那些滑头滑脑,聪明伶俐的姐妹们。
4. As the clock strikes 12 on Monday, millions will pop champagne corks and light fireworks while others indulge in quirkier New Year's rituals like melting lead, leaping off chairs or gobbling grapes. 当时钟在周一午夜十二点敲响时,数百万人将开香槟放烟火庆祝新年,其他许多人则将举行一些更为奇特的庆祝仪式,诸如熔铅、跳椅子或吃葡萄。