1. If you walk further down to the Strand, there's quite a lot of interesting things to do there. 如果你再往下走到海滨,那里有很多有趣的事情可做。
2. Applicants for this position need to spend quite a lot of time sending e-mails to foreign friends. 该职位的申请者需要花大量的时间给外国友人写邮件。
3. I'd imagine you would be doing quite a lot of teaching outside the school, and moving around quite a bit. 我想你们会在校外做很多教学工作,并四处走动。
4. In spite of all that has been said, quite a lot of people are still uncertain about the prices of housing in China. 尽管已经说了很多,有很多人对于中国的房价仍然不敢确定。
5. Quite a lot of people reviewing it said it was really fun there, like every night everyone staying there got together and ended up having a party. 很多人评论说那里真的很有趣,好像那里所有的人每天晚上都会聚在一起开派对。