1. Very sophisticated threats coming after you may not be easy to see, but they're there, and you certainly have to be ramping up your efforts on that. 你可能不太容易看到接踵而至的、非常复杂的威胁,但它们确实存在,你必须加大努力。
2. This must happen before you start ramping up your sales team. 这件事情必须在扩大销售团队之前进行。
3. It's part of the slow but steady ramping up of the pressure on Mr Gaddafi. 卡扎菲面临的压力正缓慢但稳定地上升。
4. You're constantly ramping up and then going back and rethinking what you're doing. 你不断地逐渐准备适应,然后返回去,然后再重新思考你在做什么。
5. The United States is hardly the only country ramping up military spending in 2009. 美国并不是唯一加大2009年军费的国家。