1. His rareness disinclined me to grant his request. 他的粗鲁使我不愿意答应他的请求。
2. Rareness of utilizing credit decides the level of credit by both parties of a transaction. 信用的稀缺程度决定着交易双方对信用的利用水平。
3. In the distant future, humans will form caste systems based on the rareness of the animals whose poop we eat. 不久的将来,人们就会依据食用粪便动物的缺稀性来建立等级制。
4. HR is a core resource in establishing the advantage power of enterprise because of its value, rareness and difficult to imitate. 人力资源具有价值有效性、稀缺性和难以模仿性,是企业构建竞争优势的核心资源。
5. The slotting fee accords with the resource rareness principle and the land rent theory of economics too, and it has positive impact on social economy. 进场费也符合经济学的资源稀缺性原理和地租理论,能促进社会资源的优化配置,并不破坏市场秩序。