1. The enterprise should analyse the cause of formation, avoid and control the risk of rasing funds. 企业在财务活务活力中应分析筹资风险的形成原因,并据以进行筹资风险的回避与控制管理。
2. And it was commendable that she took both the responsibilities of saving the world and rasing family. 更难能可贵的是弹力女超人在兼顾自己幸福美满的家庭的同时还要承担拯救世界的责任。
3. And while the combined Emersons were spending 32 years in the Congress, they were rasing two daughters. 而爱默生夫妇的结合在国会中耗费了32年时光,他们养育了两个女儿。
4. This paper, starting with primitive stock-rasing, hunting, exorcising and cult, reveals its cultural connotations. 文章从原始牧业文化、狩猎文化、巫傩文化和崇拜心理学等方面揭示了其文化内涵。
5. Biodiesel has faced a backlash in recent years, as critics charge the industry with rasing land and pushing up food costs. 由于批评人士指责生物柴油行业破坏土地、推高粮食价格,近年来该行业一直遭到抵制。