1. Her looks had not survived the ravages of time. 她的容颜未能幸免于时间的摧残。
2. On Mondays, eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with scrubbing-brushes and hammer and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before. 每到星期一,有八个仆人,包括一个额外的园丁,用硬毛刷、锤子和花园剪刀干了一整天,修补前一天晚上的破坏。
3. Only this kind of fundamental reform will cure the ravages of inflation. 唯有这样的根本性变革才会治愈通货膨胀之害。
4. The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool. 豪情一样经不起时候的摧残到时候就会凉。
5. Countless lives were saved from the ravages of diseases such as polio and small pox. 无数人的生命被挽救,从破坏的疾病,如脊髓灰质炎和天花。