1. You can have hundreds of recipients on a text message. 一条短信中你可以有数百个收件人。
2. For example, Americans routinely overestimate the share of black recipients of public assistance programs. 例如,美国人经常高估公共援助计划中黑人受助者的比例。
3. If you just scramble a sentence, it's pretty useless because the recipients are never going to be able to reverse the process. 如果你只是加密一个句子,这是毫无用处的,因为收件人没法将这个句子反加密出来。
4. Bop Ta has visited North Korea almost 100 times, sometimes checking the recipients of handouts. Bop Ta 已走访朝鲜近100次,有时检查救济对象。
5. They were designed to be put in places where these beings could manifest themselves in order to be the recipients of ritual actions. 它们被设计出来是为了放置在一些地方,神灵会在那里显灵,成为宗教活动的受祭者。