1. He said the task of reconstruction would demand much patience, hard work, and sacrifice. 他说重建工作会需要高度坚韧、勤劳和奉献。
2. A wave of deadly bombings has forced the United States to divert funds from reconstruction to security. 一系列致命的炸弹袭击迫使美国将资金从重建转向安全防御。
3. The early human skeleton reconstruction "Lucy" dating back 3.2 million years debuted yesterday. 昨天,追溯到320万年前的原始人骨架重建“露西”首次亮相。
4. A full-scale reconstruction of a mid-section had been made in 1996, primarily to see how Bronze-Age replica tools performed. 1996年对中部进行了全面的重建,主要是为了了解青铜时代的复制工具是如何工作的。
5. Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction, by cleaning the streets and repairing schools. 通过清理街道和修复学校,鼓励伊拉克年轻人参与国家重建。