1. We are simply redressing the balance. 我们只是让它恢复平衡而已。
2. Redressing this imbalance could, with time, help economic growth. 花费一些时间来矫正这一不平衡态势将有可能帮助经济的增长。
3. Redressing the imbalances of this cycle will be an especially drawn-out affair. 纠正失衡的周期尤其冗长。
4. The project group organizes person to evaluate the effect of redressing measures and record the evaluation result. 项目组组织人员对纠正措施的实施效果进行评价并记录评价结果。
5. Redressing past wrongs without scaring away foreign investors and harming small companies is a difficult balancing act. 矫正过去的错误,而又不会让外国投资者敬而远之,且不会伤害到一些小公司的利益是件很难全面平衡的事情。