1. Financial regulators in Britain have imposed a rather unusual rule on the bosses of big banks. 英国的金融监管机构对大银行的管理层强加了一条非同寻常的规则。
2. Lawmakers and regulators are slowly starting to address the ambiguity around dark patterns, most recently at the state level. 立法者和监管者正慢慢开始设法厘清黑暗模式相关法律的模糊之处,其最近行动开展于州级层面。
3. Telemedicine's future will depend on how and whether regulators, providers, payers and patients can address these challenges. 远程医疗的未来将取决于监管机构、供应商、付款人和患者如何以及是否能够应对这些挑战。
4. As a condition of receiving state approval for the sale, the company agreed to seek permission from state regulators to operate past 2012. 作为获得国家批准交易的条件之一,该公司同意向国家监管机构申请在2012年之后继续运营。
5. Regulators would not just have to deal with a feisty outfit. They would have to cope with one of the world's biggest, pushiest media companies. 监管组织不仅要应对令人焦躁不安的新闻集团。他们还必须与世界上一家最大、最有发展冲劲的媒体公司相竞争。