1. It is rude to remark upon the appearance of other people. 对别人评头论足是粗鲁的。
2. The others seemed not to notice the startling effect of the remark upon him. 其他人似乎没有注意到那句话给他的震惊性影响。
3. Still, I would like to remark briefly upon the pet to whom I am most often compared. 不过,我还是想简短地谈谈那只最常被拿来和我比的狗,Fala。
4. I will remark here, by way of advertisement, that the Hartford Accident Company... is peculiarly to BE depended upon. 就算是在做广告吧,我必须在这里指出,“哈特福德事故保险公司”…特别可以依赖。
5. They seized upon this remark and regarded it as a promise. 他们抓住这句话,认为这是诺言。