1. The weapon used in the raid was a replica. 抢劫案中使用的武器是一件仿制品。
2. A replica of the Arch de Triumph that usually stands in Paris has been transported to Tokyo Bay for the festival. 一件通常矗立在巴黎凯旋门的复制品因艺术节已被运到东京湾。
3. An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head. 一位艺术家雕塑了一尊她头部的全幅头像。
4. Replica weapons are indistinguishable from the real thing. 仿真武器与真武器难以辨别。
5. The bedroom was an exact replica of the original, perfect right down to the patterns on the wallpaper and the hairbrushes on the dressing table. 这间卧室精确地复制了原来的房间,模仿之细甚至连墙纸的图案和梳妆台上的发刷都一模一样。