1. All telephone reservations must be confirmed in writing. 所有的电话预订必须以书面形式确认。
2. It is illegal to dishonour reservations; that goes for restaurants as well as customers. 不履行预订是违法的;这既适用于顾客,也适用于饭店。
3. She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there, and with steel buttons abounding. 她穿了一件蓝色开士米羊绒连衣裙,有些地方还保留着少量的天鹅绒,还有许多钢扣。
4. Reservations and formal protests against this article are the most numerous from countries, from every region of the world. 对这项条款的保留意见和正式抗议最多的是来自于各个国家,来自世界各地。
5. The reserved water rights of Pueblo Indians have priority over other citizens' water rights as of 1848, the year in which pueblos must be considered to have become reservations. 普韦布洛印第安人的预留水权从1848年起优先于其他公民的水权,这一年普韦布洛村落必须被视为保留地。