1. This thesis led to a radical reshaping of Democratic policies. 这篇论文导致了民主党政策的彻底改变。
2. Technology broadly and automation specifically are dramatically reshaping the way we work. 广泛来说是技术,确切而言是自动化,正在极大地改变我们的工作方式。
3. Historians credit repeated locust invasions in the nineteenth century with reshaping United States agriculture west of the Mississippi River. 历史学家认为,19世纪一再发生的蝗虫入侵改变了美国密西西比河以西的农业格局。
4. These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan's vocation as well. 如今,网络已经改变了购书和寄信等日常消遣,也正在改变多诺万所从事的职业。
5. Three trends in particular are reshaping the telecoms landscape. 三个特别突出的趋势正在改变电信业的版图。