1. You could imagine that for a new media type, everything needs to be restyled yet again. 您可以想像到,对于每种新的媒体类型,都需要对所有东西重新设置样式。
2. For example, even if Listing 3 does not change, the document should be restyled if the directory has changed. 例如,即使清单3没有变化,如果目录已经更改,则文档应该重新制定文档的样式。
3. The interior gets a redesigned dashboard with restyled gauges, new steering wheel and glovebox designs and better fabric and color choices. 在车辆内部,仪表板进行了重新设计,采用了更时尚的仪表,新的方向盘和手套箱,而且提供了更好的织物和颜色选择。
4. On an expanse of quiet beach, discover an intimate, five-star, five-diamond resort, where all guest rooms and suites have been completely restyled. 在一个安静的沙滩辽阔,发现一个亲切的,五星,五钻度假村,所有的客房和套房都被完全重新设计。
5. The word multitasking began appearing in the “skills” sections of résumés, as office workers restyled themselves as high-tech, high-performing team players. 同时进行若干工作这个词,随着办公室的白领们逐渐转型为追求高效和高科技,也开始出现在人们的履历表里。