1. Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies. 许多因素可以导致胎儿发育迟缓。
2. Acute exposure to lead may impact mice behavior altering such as irritability, hyperkinesis, retardation of learning and memory, etc. 急性铅暴露可能影响小鼠的行为改变,如易怒、运动亢进、学习和记忆迟钝等。
3. A score below 70 May indicate mental retardation. 分数低于70可能表明你有智力缺陷。
4. In addition, 4 patients presented with growth retardation. 此外,4例患者表现出生长发育迟缓。
5. Brain damage, leading to mental retardation and occasionally seizures. 脑损伤,并导致智力迟钝和无规律的抓握动作。