1. Turning around, he waved at Ken, further riling him. 回过头,他在肯恩,进一步的把搅浑浊他挥舞。
2. We could all use some good riling now and then, I think. 我想,我们随时都可以化愤怒为力量。
3. It leaked, riling Mr Cameron and George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer. 信的内容泄露了出去,这引起了卡梅伦首相和财政大臣奥斯本的强烈不满。
4. By all accounts, he has clashed repeatedly with senior army officers, riling them by trying to install his own loyalists in senior posts. 据说,他信与高级军官们冲突不断,他试图通过在高级职位上安插自己的心腹来削弱他们的力量。
5. The Navy still relies heavily on midfrequency sonar, for example, riling environmentalists who say it disrupts activity by whales and dolphins off the California coast. 例如,海军高度依赖的中频声纳让环保人士耿耿于怀,后者认为这些声纳扰乱了在加利福尼亚海域活动的鲸鱼和海豚。