1. Not shown but also available are companion pedestal and self-rimming lavatories. 图中未展示的产品还有配套的立柱面盆和自镶边缘台上面盆。
2. In the paper the use of Rare EarthMgSi alloy for rimming steel coping is studied instead of aluminium. 主要研究稀土镁硅合金替代铝条应用于沸腾钢浇注的化学封顶工艺;分析了浇注工艺的可行性。
3. So less gas is. given off in the mould than with rimming steel, but enough bubbles form at the top of the ingot to counteract most of the shrinkage. 所以,在钢锭模内析出的气体没有沸腾钢多,但又在钢锭头产形成足够的气泡抵消大部分钢的收缩。
4. Color options include Cotton, Colonial White, Sedona Beige, Bone, Gray and Ebony. Not shown but also available are companion pedestal and self-rimming lavatories. 这套洁具备有棉花白、殖民白、米黄色、骨色、灰色和黑檀色几种颜色可供选择。图中未展示的产品还有配套的立柱面盆和自镶边缘台上面盆。
5. A special inlaid technique for rimming enamelled utensils with stainless steel rings was set forward, and the advantages gained by this enclosing process were highlighted. 叙述了搪瓷烧器不锈钢边圈的镶嵌式包边技术,指出了该项新工艺的优点。