1. The most popular steelhead fly rodding technique is the wet fly swing. 最受欢迎虹飞压飞技术是湿秋千。
2. Rodding with metal rods or other metal tools that could contact and damage the coating shall not be permitted. 不允许使用金属棒或者其他有可能基础或破坏涂层的金属工具。
3. This should only be considered for financing reasons as strict safety measures would be required for a manual rodding operation. 由于手工制作碳极棒要求严格的安全措施,所以只能考虑资金方面的原因。
4. It is possible to postpone the construction of the rodding shop to Phase 2 by rodding the anodes manually using forklift trucks and jigs. 采用叉车和盘车手工制做阳极棒使第二阶段的极棒生产厂存在着延期建设的可能性。
5. The Automatic On-chain Anode Steel Stub Straightening Machine is a new type of equipment that used in aluminum electrolysis rodding workshop. 全自动在链阳极钢爪校直机是用于铝电解组装车间的新型自动化设备。