1. "It's the tincture of benzoin, " he said, "Rodeo cowboys use it while riding a bull or a bronc." “这是安息香酊,”他说,“参加竞技表演的牛仔在骑牛或者骑野马的时候会用它。”
2. Horses (and cattle) have to be shipped from one rodeo to the next, often in double-deck trailers. 马(和牛)不得不被从一个竞技秀的地点运输到下一个地点,通常是用双层拖车。
3. The spurs cause blunt trauma to the shoulders which never have time to heal properly before the horse is ridden and spurred in another rodeo. 马刺造成肩膀的钝伤,这些伤从来都没有时间痊愈,因为马会被在另一场竞技秀中再次被骑和刺。
4. If we can come again next year, perhaps we can all go to the rodeo together. 如果明年我们能再来,或许我们可以一起去看竞技表演。
5. Rodeo animals are constantly in transit. 牛仔竞技秀的动物经常在运送途中。