1. You can do a roll-your-own version. 你可以自己动手进行预测。
2. And there are several pending lawsuits regarding roll-your-own cigarettes. 并且还有几宗与手卷烟有关的未决诉讼。
3. The state taxes roll-your-own tobacco at 78 percent of the wholesale price, Allen said. 艾伦说,州以78%的批发价征收自卷烟税收。
4. In general, internationalization of server-side applications is still an art rather than a science, often involving proprietary or roll-your-own solutions. 一般来说,服务器端的国际化仍然是一门艺术,而不是一项科学,它常常涉及一些专用的或用户自主开发的解决方案。
5. I'll address these concerns later on, but first, let's look at a solution to the scalability issues of the roll-your-own serialization approach: XML binding frameworks. 我稍后会解决这些问题,但是首先来看一个对自行序列化方式的可伸缩性问题的解决方案:XML绑定框架。