1. The company also offers in-die maintenance systems such as washers and openers/rotators. 该公司也可以提供模具本身的维修工具例如模具清洗设备和起子等。
2. The use ratio of mechanical horizontal rotators in screening tests was only 28% on spot checks. 在部分现场抽查的实验室中,筛查试验时使用水平摇床的仅占28%。
3. Lead as impurity in RIG (rare earth iron garnet) Faraday rotators used for fibre optic communications systems. 在光纤通讯系统稀土铁石榴石法拉第旋转器中作为杂质的铅。
4. Inset: illustrating the stretch of the external rotators of the shoulder through internal rotation of the humerus. 插图:说明了肱骨内旋中的肩关节外旋伸展。
5. The piriformis muscles, strong external rotators of the thigh, attach to the sacrum and the femur. Stretching them can increase S-I joint instability. 梨状肌是附着在骶骨和大腿骨上的强大的回旋肌,对他们的拉伸有损于骶髂关节的稳定性。