1. Third, older, more dominant bucks produce more buck rubs and probably deposit more glandular secretions on a given rub. 第三,年龄更大、更具统治地位的雄鹿制造的擦痕更多,而且其分泌在特定擦痕上的气味分泌物很可能也更多。
2. The smooth bark of small red maples makes this species ideal for buck rubs in the forests of the mid-eastern United States. 美国中东部森林中的树皮光滑的小红枫是雄鹿进行摩擦的理想树种。
3. Forehead rubbing by male deer on buck rubs presumably sends a great deal of information to other members of the same species. 雄鹿摩擦前额很可能向同类中的其它成员发出了大量信息。
4. Adult male deer usually produce rubs in late summer or early autumn when the outer velvet layer is being shed from their antlers. 成年公鹿通常在夏末或初秋鹿茸脱落时制造擦痕。
5. Because both sexes of white-tailed respond to buck rubs by smelling and licking them, rubs may serve a very important additional function. 因为两种性别的白尾鹿都是通过嗅和舔来对雄鹿的摩擦做出反应的,所以摩擦可能还有一个非常重要的附加功能。